
Newsflash releases: concentrated posts where you can find out about our plans and updates on recent events.

  • May 2016 Conferences
    We’ve shared in the past some of the most important IT conferences. As it happens, May seems to grow the busiest month of the year in terms of conferences. If your conference is not on the list and you’d like for it to be, let us know. We will simply list them chronologically and give you the chance to visit their agendas and decide which ones to attend: May 7th, Cluj: CodeCamp Cluj May 11th, Cluj: DevTalks Cluj May 19-20th, Cluj: RTC2016 | Mastering Testing May 19-20th, Bucharest: I T.A.K.E. Unconference May 21-24th, Cluj: Techsylvania May 26-27th, Cluj: IT Camp Attend. Enjoy!
  • IT Camp turns 5!
    In less than one week, IT Camp’s 5th edition will start in our hometown, Cluj-Napoca. Learning from year to year, IT Camp has grown to be the most important independently organised conference for IT Pros and Developers passionate about Microsoft technologies. This year, there’s a dedicated track for business people and decision makers. In short: 2 days, 42 sessions, 35 speakers. So, check out the agenda: and if you find it relevant for you, register here: (drop us an e-mail and we’ll tell you how to get a 20% discount). It’s the best way to learn, meet people and help the organisers continue.
  • DevTalks, evenimentul dedicat profesionistilor IT, se extinde la nivel national! 850 de profesionisti IT se intalnesc la Bucuresti si Cluj-Napoca.
    DevTalks este un eveniment dedicat developerilor si specialistilor IT din Romania, celor care sunt interesati de evolutia tehnologica din zonele Web, Cloud Computing si Big Data. Anul acesta evenimentul se extinde la nivel national, fiind prezent in Cluj-Napoca (13 mai) si Bucuresti (11 iunie). Cele 2 editii vor reuni 850 de profesionisti IT, specialisti BI/Big Data, IoT, Mobile & Web developeri, pasionati de domeniul IT care vor participa la sesiuni in cadrul carora vor fi dezbatute ultimele noutati, tendinte si provocari din domeniul tehnologiei. DevTalks este un eveniment orientat catre dezvoltarea profesionistilor si a celor pasionati de domeniul IT, o conferinta cu si despre developeri ce cuprinde o serie de sesiuni axate pe notiuni concrete din industria IT. Dupa succesul inregistrat in 2014, evenimentul se extinde la nivel national, fiind prezent prin 2 editii: – Cluj-Napoca, 13 mai – Grand Hotel Italia – Bucuresti, 11 iunie – Romexpo, C1 Companiile care vor sa participe la eveniment se pot inscrie contactandu-ne la adresa In cadrul evenimentelor DevTalks din acest an, participantii vor avea parte de o experienta unica, sesiuni si discutii informale despre noile tendinte si solutii IT, situatii practice si cazuri concrete. Punctele de interes in cadrul editiilor DevTalks din acest an sunt: – 4 scene diferite, denumite in functie de temele abordate: The Future Web, Mobile & IoT, Could Computing si BI/Big Data; – 15 speakeri internationali din diferite colturi ale lumii: Anglia, Belgia, Germania, Austria, Olanda, Elvetia, Cehia si Rusia. – 850 de dezvoltatori si profesionisti IT, pasionati de tehnologie si dezvoltare profesionala; – 14 ore de continut tehnic si discutii de tip panel; Agenda evenimentelor DevTalks 2015 este structurata in functie de cele patru scene paralele, in cadrul carora vor fi abordate topici precum: – Scena: The Future Web – vor fi abordate subiecte care vor raspunde provocarilor lansate de aparitia noilor tehnologii si procese. Cateva exemple: Beyond HTTP, Breaking Free of The Web, A Glimpse into Disruptive Web Development Education, Next gen HTML5 and JS; – Scena: Mobile & IoT – implementarea de solutii pentru telefoanele mobile ramane o prioritate pentru profesionistii IT, iar Internet of Things (IoT – interactiunile dintre dispozitive inteligente unice interconectate prin infrastructura internet actuala) devine un subiect din ce in ce mai popular. Cateva exemple de subiecte care vor fi abordate in cadrul acestei scene sunt: Changing existing UI models, The rise of the IoT – Scena: Could Computing – vor fi abordate teme care vor accentua potentialul, avantajele, flexibilitatea si capacitatea de inovatie, iar cateva dintre subiectele abordate sunt: Cloud client architecture, Creating a Faster, More Secure Cloud; – Scena: BI/Big Data – dezbaterile pe aceasta tema vor prezenta tehnologiile, metodele, implicatiile si potentialul volumului mare de date. Cateva dintre subiectele abordate sunt: Quality Assurance for the Age of Big Data, The impact of Hadoop ecosystem “Evenimentul DevTalks este organizat in asa fel incat toti speakerii si participantii pot impartasi cu adevarat din experienta lor. Subiectele abordate in carul celor cele 4 sesiuni sunt concentrate in jurul unor aspecte de interes pentru pasionatii de dezvoltare IT. In plus, interactiunea si sesiunile de networking sunt cu adevarat valoroase pentru cei prezenti” – Andre Liechti, CTO & senior consultant at SysCo systèmes de communication sa. “Credem in importanta unui proiect de dezvoltare a comunitatii IT si promovare a profesionistilor si domeniului IT dincolo de granitele Romaniei, iar DevTalks este un astfel de eveniment. Proiectul le ofera dezvoltatorilor, profesionistilor IT si arhiectilor de solutii software ocazia sa obtina o perspectiva noua asupra zonelor de interes pentru ei, tehnicilor si instrumentelor adaptate la evolutia tehnologica. Mai multe detalii despre modalitatea de inscriere si agenda pot fi accesate pe sau la sectiunea dedicata proiectului pe ” – Andreea Balaci, ...
  • Romanian Conferences in May
    We bring to your attention some of the technical conferences that are taking place in Romania in May 2013 which we recommend and advertise here.   IT Camp is already a well-known technical event of Cluj-Napoca, being the largest premium conference on Microsoft technologies in Romania, at its 3rd edition. This year, it takes place in 23rd and 24th of May. This edition has three tracks which gather well known Romanian and international speakers. RABS is again represented among the speakers by Sergiu and Florin who talk on the Architecture & Best Practice track. We are also saluting Peter Leeson who is coming again to talk at a tech event in Cluj.   I T.A.K.E. Unconference proposes a different format for a technical conference by focusing on code. It is the only technology agnostic conference in Central and Eastern Europe. It takes place in 30 and 31st of May in Bucharest. The program is on five tracks which favors informal talks, debates and live practicing with the speakers and among the participants. This format may prove to be an efficient way to learn useful practices. RABS will attend through Florin who is going to propose a discussion on Unit Testing and Code Quality in an Open Space session.   Romanian Testing Community Conference has reached its second edition. It takes place on the 16th – 17th of May 2013, in Cluj-Napoca. This year it gathers 8 international speakers and two local speaker in a program organized on two tracks. The entire event will be officiated by Scott Barber. The second day is dedicated to two full-day workshops conducted by Paul Gerrard on “How to create a test strategy” and Andrew Harding on “Performance Testing (Back to the Basis).
  • Workshop 12-09 – Patterns for Parallel Programming
    date : 02/10/2012
    We are happy to announce the presence of a very popular international speaker to present and answer your questions at one of our workshops. After more than 40 years Moore’s law is still going strong, and it looks like it will continue to do so for at least ten more years, and the free performance lunch is over, unless we change the way we think and program our applications. You’ll have the opportunity to learn about patterns for parallel programming from Tibi Covaci, who shares his experience and insights, most relevantly for any (in translation, discussions will be relevant (and enjoyable) to): Senior Software Developer, Software Architect and Solution Architect with focus or passion for Software Architecture, regardless of their favorite technologies. Tibi is a Microsoft MVP & ASP.NET insider, Telerik MVP & Insider, INETA Speaker, IASA Speaker, and the INETA Country Lead for Sweden. Title: Patterns for Parallel Programming Presenter: Tiberiu Covaci, Senior Trainer & Mentor Date & time: October 2nd, 2012; 5:30PM Location: City Plaza Hotel, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Interested? Find more about this session! Reserve your seat, here!
  • Newsflash – August 13th, 2012
    date : 13/08/2012
    As we are growing and have more and more things to share, e-mail just won’t make it. Starting today, we’ll try a new way to update you on what’s new. This will be our News section on the site. We’ll still ping you via e-mail just to make sure you won’t miss anything, but the main content will be here. As of today, August 13th, 2012, we have the following to share: On November 19, 2012 we’ll start our one-week “The Architect’s Master Class” with Richard Campbell. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the Architect’s role in our dynamic software development industry from leading experts. Read more: On August 30th, 2012 we’ll have our third workshop this year. The topic is Enterprise Application Integration and will be presented by Levente Veres, Design Lead. Read more: We recently had a great Expert Session with Peter Leeson called “Can Process Make You Happy?”. For the first time, we made the live recording available as a screen cast on Vimeo. Slides are available as well, both on Slideshare and Scribd (printable). Pictures are available on our Facebook page. We also released the slides of our June Workshop on Architectures for Enterprise Mobile Applications, presented by Cristian Retegan. As always, your feedback, suggestions and ideas for future meetings are welcome through our Contact means.