Workshop 2013-04 – Function Point Analysis

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After a long winter break, as soon as the sun started to shine again, we’re happy to invite you to learn about a new topic (for RABS): Function Point Analysis.

Ionel Mihali, a long time user of this methodology is happy to share his experience and guide you into the basics of FPA by example.

So, join us for a presentation and a hands-on lab to learn a method for measuring the size of your project.

Title: Function Point Analysis
Presenter: Ionel Mihali, QA Officer
Date & time: April 25th, 2013; 5:30PM
Location: Cluj CoWork, Emil Isac 23, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Details and Registration

Romanian Conferences in May

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We bring to your attention some of the technical conferences that are taking place in Romania in May 2013 which we recommend and advertise here.


IT Camp is already a well-known technical event of Cluj-Napoca, being the largest premium conference on Microsoft technologies in Romania, at its 3rd edition. This year, it takes place in 23rd and 24th of May. This edition has three tracks which gather well known Romanian and international speakers. RABS is again represented among the speakers by Sergiu and Florin who talk on the Architecture & Best Practice track. We are also saluting Peter Leeson who is coming again to talk at a tech event in Cluj.


I T.A.K.E. Unconference proposes a different format for a technical conference by focusing on code. It is the only technology agnostic conference in Central and Eastern Europe. It takes place in 30 and 31st of May in Bucharest. The program is on five tracks which favors informal talks, debates and live practicing with the speakers and among the participants. This format may prove to be an efficient way to learn useful practices. RABS will attend through Florin who is going to propose a discussion on Unit Testing and Code Quality in an Open Space session.


Romanian Testing Community Conference has reached its second edition. It takes place on the 16th – 17th of May 2013, in Cluj-Napoca. This year it gathers 8 international speakers and two local speaker in a program organized on two tracks. The entire event will be officiated by Scott Barber. The second day is dedicated to two full-day workshops conducted by Paul Gerrard on “How to create a test strategy” and Andrew Harding on “Performance Testing (Back to the Basis).