Newsflash – August 13th, 2012

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As we are growing and have more and more things to share, e-mail just won’t make it. Starting today, we’ll try a new way to update you on what’s new. This will be our News section on the site. We’ll still ping you via e-mail just to make sure you won’t miss anything, but the main content will be here.

As of today, August 13th, 2012, we have the following to share:

On November 19, 2012 we’ll start our one-week “The Architect’s Master Class” with Richard Campbell. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the Architect’s role in our dynamic software development industry from leading experts. Read more:

On August 30th, 2012 we’ll have our third workshop this year. The topic is Enterprise Application Integration and will be presented by Levente Veres, Design Lead. Read more:

We recently had a great Expert Session with Peter Leeson called “Can Process Make You Happy?”. For the first time, we made the live recording available as a screen cast on Vimeo. Slides are available as well, both on Slideshare and Scribd (printable). Pictures are available on our Facebook page.

We also released the slides of our June Workshop on Architectures for Enterprise Mobile Applications, presented by Cristian Retegan.

As always, your feedback, suggestions and ideas for future meetings are welcome through our Contact means.

Workshop 2012-08 – EAI: Myths and reality

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We’d like to invite you to a new RABS Workshop.

You’ll have the opportunity to learn about Enterprise Application Integration and discuss about: Concepts, Problems, Myths, Reality, Tools & Techniques.
Levente Veres, our speaker, shares his experience and insights, most relevantly for (in translation, discussions will be relevant (and enjoyable) to): Senior Software Developers, Software Architects, Solution Architects and Integration Specialists with focus or passion for Software Architecture and the Integration trends.

Title: EAI: Myths and reality
Presenter: Levente Veres, Design Lead
Date & time: August 30th, 2012; 5:30PM
Location: Cluj Cowork, Emil Isac 23, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Interested? Reserve your seat, here!