Why join?
Continuously improve yourself!
Being a member means standing out from the crowd. We are not satisfied with what the industry offers. We aim at trend-setting.
Benefits of being part of RABS include:
– sharing ideas
– networking
– learning from your experienced peers in member-only workshops
– validating solutions and ideas
– direct support for publishing articles, case studies, and presenting in community events
– discounts for paid events
– priority and free access to workshops and meetings (estimated 6 meetings per year)
Who can join?
We want to make this meaningful and quality oriented, especially for members. So, in order to become a member, we’d like to see your experience or your trend to improve. We’d love that you:
1. Worked on at least 5 different projects in a senior role
2. Are experienced with the full life-cycle of a software product
3. Have been at least once in a position of (any would do) Software Architect, Senior Developer, Project Manager, Senior Tester
4. Want to contribute and continuously improve yourself
(These rules are not carved in stone. We are not pretending to know it all. We’d just like to focus and do a few things well along with people that want and can do the same.)
Membership fee
Yearly fee – 22 EUR (100 RON) valid for 2013.
Why this? As an independent organisation, we charge a small yearly fee, in order to ensure a flow of effort put into organising the events, getting speakers involved and day-to-day running. We also believe that this will force members to ask more from the association and push us further, faster.
How to join
Want to join us? It’s simple:
1. Pay your membership yearly fee stating your name in clear in the details field
Entity: RABS
Bank: ING Bank
IBAN: RO62INGB0000999902516266
2. Drop us an e-mail containing your name and a link to a public profile, CV or personal site. Use the e-mail you’d like to use to receive news from us. Your personal information, including but not limited to e-mail, name, phone numbers, links or any other info you send us will never be shared or sold with other entities and is solely used to facilitate our activity and communication with you!
3. We will confirm your membership
(Yes we know this process can be improved. If you’d like to help, drop us a line.)